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1000 downloads of uke pal free within 10 days

Posted November 2nd, 2010 in Blog by Jonas Soukup

We are happy to announce that one of our products, the free version of uke pal – Ukulele Tuner & Tabs, was downloaded over 1000 times from Google’s Android Market within 10 days!

To monetize uke pal free, we display Admob advertisements inside the product. We also implemented an up-selling strategy by providing a link to the ad free full version, which can be downloaded for € 0.99. Because the full version is ad free it does not require an internet connection.

Comparing the download numbers of free and paid apps in the Android Market, we are still trying to figure out the best compromise between reaching a large customer base and the monetization of our products. Above all, we are entitled to create easy to use and fully functional apps that add value to our customers.

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CreateProcess error 87 with bb-ant-tools | BlackBerry development

Posted Oktober 7th, 2010 in Blog by creative workline

We are using BlackBerry Ant Tools (bb-ant-tools) and Eclipse to compile and package apps for RIM BlackBerry. The bb-ant-tools are like a wrapper for the rapc command and allow for a nice integration in Ant build scripts. It took some time to have a more or less good running build environment – but in the end it somehow works.

Then one day „out of nowhere“ this error came up: „I/O Error: Cannot run program „javac“: CreateProcess error=87, Falscher Parameter“ (wrong parameter). But we haven’t changed anything in the development enviroment or build scripts!? The paramter „generatesourcelist“ is alread set to true in our case. You probably get another error if it set to false – assuming that you are working on Windows.

What did we do?
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Location Based Game Tourality vor Relaunch

Posted September 15th, 2010 in Blog by Jonas Soukup

Tourality Game SetTourality, unsere sportliche Variante der guten alten Schnitzeljagd, steht vor dem Re-Launch: Aktuell herrscht zwar noch die sprichwörtliche Ruhe vor dem Sturm beim location-based Game Tourality…

Wir feilen im Hintergrund aber bereits mit Hochdruck an spannenden neuen Features wie Gadgets, Goodies oder Trophies, integrieren Tourality mit Facebook und Twitter und bereiten Tourality für den B2B Einsatz vor.

Das neue Release ist für Q4/2010 geplant und beinhaltet eine neue Web-und B2B-Plattform sowie die vereinfachte Tourality App für Android, Nokia, BlackBerry und später auch das iPhone.

Hier gehts zur neuen Website:
Like us on Facebook @ Tourality on Facebook

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