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Soccer Board App

Ein Fußball-Whiteboard für das BlackBerry PlayBook von RIM.

A soccer tactic board for your BlackBerry® PlayBook™. Paint on the whiteboard simply by touching it with your finger. You can also place players in two different colors on the drawing area. Clean the strategic planner by double tapping on it or touching a button.

Was die Benutzer sagen:

simple and great! (4,5 von 5 Sternen)
i use this for my team i coach. the kids think its great on the playbook. would be cool to have a ball though.

Anonymer Benutzer in BlackBerry App World

Soccer Board zum Download in App World

Siehe auch: Blog-Artikel: App-Entwicklung mit HTML5 und JavaScript für das BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet

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Rating: 3.7/5 (3 votes cast)
Soccer Board App, 3.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings
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