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Android Auto and Apple CarPlay

Posted November 25th, 2014 in Blog by creative workline

How Google and Apple are getting into the automobile industry, and what is coming for app developers.

Apple Carplay Android Auto Side by Side

Technology inside the car is not a new trend. During the last years, several car manufacturers had tried to add new features in order to improve the driver’s experience. Google and Apple have realized that maybe they could bring their most known operating systems to the car. They are called “Apple CarPlay” and “Android Auto”. And here it is a new world of opportunities to app developers.

A new era of technologies

While Android and iOS are trying to lead the mobile industry, other new devices are coming, known as “wearables”. These new devices are focused on improving the quality of life through technology and as cars are in our life, they are also included. So this article is not about „smartwatches“, but cars’ new operating systems.
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Number of Apps in App Stores January 2011 in USA

Posted Februar 21st, 2011 in Blog by Jonas Soukup

The Google Android Market and Windows Phone 7 Marketplace are the two stores with the highest growth rates in January.
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