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The Key to Mobile Marketing Success – SEO, SEM and ASO

Posted November 22nd, 2015 in Blog by creative workline

Nowadays it’s simply not enough to develop an awesome mobile app or website. Anybody who thinks about bringing a web or mobile app to the market must also think about marketing! It’s a fact that there are already more than 1.5 million apps in both the Apple App Store for iOS as well as Google’s Play Store for Android. That’s when keywords like SEO, SEM, analytics, social media and ASO come into play. Although each field is kind of a „science“ itself, we’ll cover the basics of all of these in this article.

App Store - Marketing, Optimization, Analytics

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is based on four pillars: Indexation, relevance, popularity and honesty. So called website optimization tools (WOT) can support you for example with a keyword search, like the Google Keyword Planner. When it comes to relevance you should always write content that adds value to the community and attracts other websites, so they will link back to you. Popularity is mainly about getting backlinks to your site or web app – which can be combined with social media in order to increase the engagement. It’s important to make your website responsive and mobile friendly because Google will soon penalize websites that are not mobile friendly and mobile searches are growing every year. If you are not honest and try cheating Google will find out pretty sure and you might disappear from indexation completely, so focus on your content!

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